Friday, August 20, 2010


Sometimes I wonder how much my children are absorbing from traveling around. They bring up stuff from places we've been to every now and then but it's usually something like this. "Mom, you know that place where there was that fence and that wall." No Phelan, I need to know a little more. "Ya know, the place with those small horses and it was hot" Well Phelan, what country were we in and who were we with. "We were in Mexico with that cowboy". Oh, yes, when we went burro riding with the caballero that taught you to throw rocks in a cave to scare away the rattlesnakes. "Yes, that's the one. Can we go there again?" It's a constant game of I Spy. The other day though, we were playing NAME HOW MANY FRUITS YOU KNOW...the boys came up with 22. I realized while playing it that they know a lot of fruits, because of traveling. They've eaten lychees, rambutans, dragonfruit and prickly pear BECAUSE we travel. It was a cool observation. Which brings me to this...

I was in a grocery store the other day and there were a bunch of these. They are called osage orange or hedgeballs. I asked the grocer how you eat them wherein he proceeded to chuckle. He said they aren't edible but instead they are used to repel, spiders! You put them on foil in the corners of your house and they repel spiders as they slowly disintegrate. So Cool! I thought I knew probably every fruit in the world (more than 22 btw) but this was a first.

1 comment:

  1. Bring some Osage Orange balls back home to Oregon because I have LOTS & LOTS of spiders in my basement! Seriously...EWEWY!!!
