Thursday, April 8, 2010

Austin, Texas

Time to kick some Tapas Ass. Team Shack 2010.

I saw the seven yellow jerseys and almost lost my cool!

1 comment:

  1. I love how when you're open to it, life provides what you need at just the right time. A friend of mine heard of your blog because they are interested in family buses. She passed along your info to me because of our interest in moving to Mexico for a year or so.

    In brief, myself, my husband and four daughters (3,5,9 & 15) will be moving somewhere in Mexico this summer (leaning toward San Miguel for several reasons.) Hunter was laid off from his job selling solar electric systems in Austin just three weeks ago. We have always said we'd move to Mexico with the kids someday and now seems as perfect a time as any.

    If you are still in Austin, we'd love to meet you, even have you over for dinner if that does not seem too strange an offer from complete strangers. We live in SW Austin, have a great big wooded yard. The kids could play and we could share food and wine?

    You can read a bit about me/us on my blog, which I started for my business teaching classes... Please email me at if you'd like.

    I hope to hear from you!

