Monday, April 12, 2010

Rambles and Thoughts

Things I am consistently happy about:
Matchbox cars are only $1.00
Hotels have free Wifi - that reach their parking lots
Fruit of all sorts
That my children are resourceful and laugh at themselves
Kevin and Kelsi's organizational skills back home
Fresh salsa makes beans and rice seem decadent
Casey is starting to see the cup half full
"My" cousin
The Dopps mighty fortitude
Diesel engines
That Steve showed up
The brain my mother gave me
Earl Grey Tea with cream and sugar
Hot water
Jane Austen movies
Latin culture

Things I am consistenly annoyed with:
The American view of Latin culture
Brussel Sprouts and Broccoli
Heels and pointy toed shoes
Boxes, chains, locked doors and straight lines
The News, on TV
RV bathrooms
Cheap dish soap
Movies with Russel Crow or Jennifer Jason Leigh

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