Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Travel & Home

To leave, to travel, is to live for the moment, freely, wildly, to be vital and alive, having ties everywhere but no one place to call home, and, at times, feeling too close to an uncertain edge. To settle is to know security, possess something stable and cared for, built up over years by the warmth of your own fireplace. Unlike travel, a steady home is rarely wild and freeing; yet, it's a dream I often long for when I travel, but fear I may never know.

from "Kite Strings of the Southern Cross" by Laurie Gough, a book that could, at times, be my own life on the road.


  1. I think the reason living in an RV is so appealing to me is that it is most definitely "home", yet it is also "travel". No matter where we are parked when I awaken in the morning, I know I am "home", with all my routines, with my best friend, with the "stuff" that makes our lives easy... yet we have new experiences every day. At least for now, it is the best of all possible worlds.

    I wonder - did the visit with family at the long-established family farms in Wisconsin uncover any longing for a more permanent sense of "place"? When I visit with my sisters or girlfriends in Sacramento, I often reflect on those things that I miss out on while traveling: growing a garden, using a library, spontaneous fun with friends/sister who have known me through good times and bad.

    I hope I will have those things to return to when we can no longer travel this way.
