Sunday, June 20, 2010

Making Lists

Steve and I have been lucky enough to travel together for 15 years. We have, at times, needed to entertain eachother. Sometimes those conversations meld into stuff like this...

Our Favorite Places on Earth

5)Interlakken, Switzerland, for the hiking
4)Jaiselmar, India because of the fort town you can stay in
3)Oswald West State Park, Oregon because of the memories
2)Marrakesh, Morocco to partake in foods that haven't changed for thousands of years
1)Zanzibar Island, Tanzania see earlier post for this one

5)Ireland in a pub on the Dingle for a Shandy
4)The Redwoods for the memories of a lifetime
3)Denali National Park for the Wow value
2)Andean Mountains of Ecuador for the most beautiful culture
1)Rajasthan, India because it is the India

Favorite books is a difficult list to make. Upon a lot of discussion, we realize that our favorite books are ones that inspired us AT THE TIME. They are not the most cerebral, literary or even inspirational to others. They are simply the books we were inspired by at the time and meant something to us.

The Boat of a Million Years - Paol Anderson
Siddhartha - Herman Hesse
Cannary Row - Steinbeck
Life, The Universe & Everything Else - Douglas Adams
Aubrey Mauritran series - Patrick O'Brien

Cold Sassy Tree - Olive Anne Burns
Beloved - Toni Morrison
My Life on High Adventure - Grant Pearson
The Blue Jay's Dance - Louise Erdrich
Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie

Now for movies. I am seriously not sure I can make this list. I'm a huge movie watcher and love everything from well made Adam Sandler such as Punch Drunk Love to documentaries like Murderball as well as sweeping epic dramas like Holmes and anything with James McAvoy and/or Keira Knightley (OK, British sweeping dramas).

Death Race 2000
The Man Who Would be King
The 5th Element
Harold & Maude
Any and every Sean Connery made James Bond

Reality Bites
Dances with Wolves
Sid and Nancy
Away we Go
Pride and Prejudice

Have you ever made a list? Try it, it's freakin hard!

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