Monday, July 12, 2010


Steve and I come from adventurous parents. My father-in-law thinks our wanderlust is genetic and I must say, I kind of agree. My mother instilled in me the idea that experiences outweigh possessions. Although she's always worked her whole life, she has had a lot of fun doing whatever she puts her mind to. In her late thirties, she got her pilots license and joined the 99er's. She would fly all around California and even Mexico with friends, camping under the wing. In her forties, my parents got into boating, big time. I spent most of my teenaged years, sitting on a boat somewhere, eating crackers and tuna fish, swimming and trying to fish. They followed the boating years with timeshare travel around the country and Mexico and now, in their late 60's early 70's, my parents have become born again cyclists. They take their bikes wherever they go and most mornings can be found at a coffee shop within 20 miles of their house, on their bikes.

Steve's parents traveled to Peru, the Soviet Union and Thailand when they were younger and it was more dangerous. Steve spent his childhood camping with parents between Wisconsin and Oregon and even went to Thailand and the Soviet Union. Steve's father got his pilot's license in his 50's when he retired at the age of 53 to spend more time traveling around and exploring the world and the people in it. Both Richard and Marlene have a zest for learning and trying new things that is quite respectable at a time most people are more "like old dogs that cannot learn new tricks." Like I said, I think it is in the genes.

And so we dream and we think and we dream and we think. And what we think is we like this dream...a biggie but a goodie. Life on a sailboat, perhaps?


  1. I love it! Scott and I were just talking about this very thing, funny then to come and read it here. :)

  2. So we can both put our buses on pontoons and add a mast:)
