Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ithaca Boondocking

After leaving Loon Island, we drove to Ithaca, NY for Ryder and Maretta to attend sailing camp together.

Every afternoon they would head out on the water, usually just the two of them on the boat, and sail around Lake Cayuga while playing tag with other boats or getting purposely tipped over or squirted with water. Although it was excrutiatingly hot, they still liked enough to plan a trip around the world one day...sounds familiar!

We had no plans in Ithaca before arriving except we knew we would have to find a place to hang for the week. We accidentally came across one of the best boondocking sites ever (boondocking=free campsite).

The Ithaca farmers market is famous around New York and even farther! The site itself is a beautiful open air building located right on Lake Cayuga. Arriving during a massive heat wave, we immediately noticed the stalls had electricity (for our air conditioner), as well as water and, get this, wifi! We parked it knowing the farmer's market wasn't until that weekend and hoped no one would kick us out. They didn't but we did get the all too common knock knock from the po po late one night - although we are used to it and they let us stay.

Every morning I sat on this dock eating breakfast while watching boats fill up with gas at the marina across the way

or watched the TDF live stream from one of the booths.

The kids played farmer's market or went swimming or rode their bikes through the market. All this in a tiny town that has Cornell University and Moosewood Kitchen! Nice town.

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