Sunday, July 11, 2010

P.S. Flag Burning 101

Diana's Mom made us burn a flag on 4th of July!

My friend Diana's amazing Mom, 75 year old Delight (every bit the matriarch you want to be),
has made it a tradition on 4th of July, to burn a flag. The island has had many many flags over the years and unfortunately, mice have eaten them up. So, they burn them. Apparently, you are not supposed to throw them away but instead, give them a proper burning. So, we said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang My Country Tis A Thee and played taps on the bugle before we threw a 48 state flag in the fire (pre 1960's). I felt like Hayduke, for a moment, only a moment though. Hayduke lives!


  1. Nice... in so many ways. When you wrote "I felt like Edward Abbie", I think your subconscious was saying "Abbie Hoffman", as Edward spells his last name "Abbey". They both enjoyed pushing the edge of the envelope, and for that, I honor them. Independence lives! :)

  2. Actually, I meant to say Hayduke from Edward Abbey's book, The Monkey Wrench Gang but instead confused the author with the character. I'm just too young to speak for the Abbie Hoffman generation but I'm sure you've got some stories Laurie;)
